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Scan Lab​: Sclerotherapy

Steven Zimmet, MD begins the ScanLab module with a review of the patient history and the clinical exam, demonstrating his technique for marking veins in preparation for visual sclerotherapy treatment, including tray set-up. During treatment, Dr. Zimmet explains the differences in technique for treating spider veins vs. reticular veins. The second patient in this ScanLab is receiving sclerotherapy post-endovenous ablation. Telangiectasia, venule telangiectasia, spider, and reticular veins are treated with Dr. Zimmet establishing the importance of matching the sclerosant to the vein being treated. Common errors and potential complications of over treating are discussed with an emphasis on using a low volume of sclerosants in the appropriate concentration. In conclusion, Dr. Zimmet discusses techniques to increase patient comfort during and after the procedure.

retail: $28.00