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Determine your level of exam preparedness… with certainty!

ExamSim Program Features

Pegasus Lectures’ ExamSim programs utilize a Patented Intelligent Analysis Algorithm to determine your level of exam preparedness for your credentialing or board exam.

Advanced Item Type Questions

Exclusive! Advanced Item Type (AIT) Questions have been added to select Pegasus ExamSim programs (based on individual exam content outlines).

Demystify the new Advanced Item Type questions by utilizing the Pegasus ExamSim Programs. Watch for Frank Miele’s Online Office Hours focusing on best practices for Semi-interactive Console (SIC) Questions.

Instructor Tool

Pegasus Lectures’ Instructor Tool allows analysis of the ExamSim results of each student at an extensive level. With this unique tool, instructors are able to analyze individual topic analysis and test-taking data, class statistics, college data, and blinded national comparisons.

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