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Cardiac Hemodynamics - Module 7: Mitral Regurgitation

The last module in the Cardiac Hemodynamic series covers quantification of mitral regurgitation. Following a review of etiology, Mark Harry presents different categories of diagnostic criteria. Beginning with a demonstration of signal intensity and velocity profile of the MR jet, Mark discusses vena contracta, proximal flow convergence, and optimization of the isovelocity surface with color baseline shift. Guiding the participant step by step, Mark reviews how to accurately calculate the effective regurgitant orifice area and the regurgitant volume. He presents tips in calculating the proximal isovelocity surface area (PISA) and use of the simplified PISA regurgitant volume calculation. The module concludes with case presentations demonstrating how to technically acquire the information presented in this module.

Viewing Time: 50 minutes
Customized Review: 40 minutes

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