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OB/GYN Ultrasound

Individual Modules: Fetal Studies (all) Back to Products

Module 1: CNS Anatomy
Review of embryology and normal anatomy including brain landmarks, blood supply, and the ventricular system.


Module 2: CNS Anomalies, Part 1
Covers sonographic signs of neural tube defects such as spina bifida, anencephaly, acrania, encephalocele, and iniencephaly.


Module 3: CNS Anomalies, Part 2
Covers intracranial abnormalities including gross pathology and associated sonographic findings.


Module 4: Gastrointestinal
Tract, Part 1

Anatomy, herniation, and sonographic appearance of the gallbladder, aorta, stomach, and bowel.


Module 5: Gastrointestinal
Tract, Part 2

Discusses internal abdominal abnormalities and the sonographic findings of pelvic masses and cysts.


Module 6: Fetal Skeleton
Topics discussed include normal sonographic anatomy of the fetal skeleton and six major categories of fetal skeletal abnormalities.


Module 7: Genitourinary
System, Part 1

A review of normal kidney and renal pelvis anatomy followed by genitourinary abnormalities.


Module 8: Genitourinary
System, Part 2

Covers obstructive uropathies, ureters, urethra, and a review of genitourinary neoplasms.


Module 9: Fetal Chest
Beginning with a review of normal sonographic anatomy and progresses to cover thoracic and pulmonary abnormalities.


Module 10: Face and Neck
Discusses embryology, anatomy of the primary nose and mouth, and clefting anomalies including sonographic findings.


Module 11: Fetal Cardiac
Covers the sonographic appearance of normal cardiac anatomy and progresses to the characteristics of cardiac anatomic anomalies.
